‘MAD’ Matters

The latest news, updates and hottest topics!

Small Business Energy Incentive : Bonus Deduction

The small business energy incentive offers a 20% bonus deduction on expenditures aimed at improving energy efficiency. Let’s dive into the details and see if you can benefit!

Win Big – Xero Beautiful Business Fund 2024!

After an incredible success last year, Xero is back with even more opportunities for small businesses to shine with AU$700,000 up for grabs! Are You Ready to Win Big with the Xero Beautiful Business Fund 2024?

Navigating 4 Key Tax Audit Challenges And The Best Solution

Does the thought of a tax audit make your heart race? The idea of a tax audit, with the ATO meticulously examining your financial records, is enough to cause stress and anxiety. These audits chew up valuable time, disrupt your productivity, and can be incredibly costly. Hidden expenses, legal complexities, and potential damage to your […]

Breaking Down the 2024 Federal Budget

What You Need to Know The 2024 Federal Budget has just been unveiled, and it’s packed with new measures and policies that will impact us all. As an accounting and bookkeeping firm, we understand how pivotal these announcements are for both our business and our clients. Last year’s budget gave us a taste of financial […]